"Automated Information" as I like to call AI, will have about as big an impact on society as the escalator, by my estimation. The escalator is my goto example when you are talking about complex technologies designed to replace simple tasks. They can work and be nice, but they're often not cost effective, almost never maintenance and worry free, and end up being used as a niche or novelty. Similar for idea for VR and other wearables.

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I am fluent in html, word, LaTeX, all the rest, but merely with floss tools I now find markdown entirely adequate, beautiful LaTeX is easy to generate automatically, as are tables, and all the rest. Only inserting PNG images with a nice background color is a few minutes of drudgery, but a bash script can mostly automate that too. Sample: https://t4gu.gitlab.io/t4gu/theory/005_spacetime_algebra/#refresher-the-spacetime-clifford-geometric-algebra (that's a hugo website with goldmark and katex).

LaTeX for book projects though is still hard to beat.

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